Thursday, March 29, 2012

Tim Tebow Ruins Everything

Last week, the Denver Broncos traded Golden Boy, greatest player EVER!!!!!!! to the New York Jets for a fourth round draft pick. Despite Tebow's mediocrity, people think he's good or something, so Jets fans were clamoring to get an authentic Tim Tebow uniform. 

These uniforms were being sold in stores by Reebok. Now, prior to the season, Nike won the rights to produce every uniform in the NFL. The contract transferred between Reebok and Nike on March 1st. Therefore, Reebok cannot produce any NFL uniforms and profit on them.
Tebow was not traded to the Jets before last week, so there was NO way that Reebok could have produced the uniforms prior to losing the contract and therefore, the company was profiting of "Tebowmania" illegally. 

Nike realized this and decided to intervene, suing Reebok for the profits made on the sales of all Jets jerseys with Tebow's name. Of course, Reebok was violating Nike's right tobe the only provider of official NFL uniform merchandise. And before you go saying that this is just Nike being petty, these sales will result in millions of dollars in revenue that Nike will lose, as anyone who bought reebok apparel probably won't buy Nike apparel when it is released on April 3.

In response, US District Judge Kevin Castel granted Nike a restraining order against Reebok, blocking all sales of Tebow-related apparel. This was the correct decision, as Reebok was clearly attempting a last second cash grab that the company obviously knew was against the rules. In fact, Nike should also be awarded all the profits from Reebok's sales, and should even be granted damages, since Reebok should be punished harshly for such a selfish move.

And seriously, Tim Tebow is a back up QB. He sucks... People need to get over him. (I needed to get that off my chest).

1 comment:

  1. Definintely getting a vibe of disapproval towards Tim Tebow, not to mention Reebok. It's interesting to see how Reebok could be so manipulative with this sale, as well.
